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Client Liv - at said she started seeing these spheres of light moving in front of her outside house camera after I gave her her first treatment. As well, her spirit problem within the home calmed down. I consider these the protective devic conscousnesses or the invoked forces of Gaia. We hold classes in shamanic chants for this Gaia or "Ki" cosmic power in New Jersey and private classes through skype. : )





"Within 6 weeks of ancestor training my son passed an important licensing exam after having many unsuccessful attempts previously. And after the ancestor ceremony, the anxiety I was experiencing at work stopped completely." 

   Bernadette -  Spec. Ed. teacher South Jersey 

    Oct. 14, 2018 

     "This is an account of happenings as a result of the chanting practice and treatments with Dana. Through the process of chanting and treatment, my spiritual experiences have heightened and are stronger. I have become stronger in my gifts, talents, and abilities as well as in my overall personal development; clearer and more exact; more confident in who I am authentically and expressing myself. I am now clear about my purpose, what I am to do, and how I am to do it. I have received profound connection with my animal totems and received three additional. After the first night of chanting and treatment I was inundated with butterflies (physically) and found it meant that I am now, also, directly channeling the wisdom of my ancestors. My grandmother came through with a message very clearly which had not happened for some time.

     As I have been chanting and receiving treatments, I was sitting in meditation and all of a sudden all of these animal spirits started coming to me spiraling up from my solar plexus chakra up through my crown. There were so many of them and then it morphed into the images of people spiraling up; people I have encountered around the world including ancestors. Afterwards I could see all the places I have been spiraling up. This went on for several minutes. Then I realized they were the energies that have assisted me in my growth and development over the years. They were representative of people, places, and animal spirits that have come to me, spiritually and physically, since my childhood to present that contributed to me developing into my authentic Self. It was amazing and there was a sense of joy coming from all of it as it was happening. Since chanting and treatment, my ancestors have come through again and giving messages related to who I am, my purpose, and who they are (heritage). I have also been experiencing more information about past lives influencing this life and the connection with my ancestors through those lives. In the last chanting session, I was taken back to two lifetimes significant to my work and purpose in this lifetime; one in Egypt and one in China. In both my ancestors came through and spoke. I could see them clearly as well as myself during those lifetimes. They have communicated to me what I am to do to assist them in their healing, and how it relates to my healing.

The chanting and treatments are opening me to fulfillment of my connection to my ancestral line. Also, it is serving as a catalyst for amplification of my gifts, talents, and abilities and integrating into a healthier individual; mind, body, and Spirit."

Jo L. Pearson - Professional Psychic – Cumberland County NJ 

August 2018

"Saturday, the day after the first class I awoke with people who had transitioned on my mind since I was a child to the present day. Then I started to see faces. Next there appeared a huge, white, round, swirling water spout from the earth to the heavens. This went on for about 45 minutes to an hour, - (and I) heard voices say thank you a few times. I decided to get up because it was a bit much. After about ten to fifteen minutes things started to slow down then it just stopped.

Then, I just sat down for a few to decipher what just happened."

Estan is a practicing light healer/ herbalist and plant medicine healer /former radio program host based in South Jersey 

February 6, 2018

"When my husband and I met Dana back in 2016, I personally felt her graceful energy upon our greeting. Dana teaches about the Ki-energy practice, and how it raises the vibrations of our ancestors. Dana's chanting and meditation methods raise our vibratory frequencies to a harmonious union with the creator God force, mountain Divinities and ancestors. This Ki energy practice has helped my family spiritually, mentally, financially and most of all harmoniously. Dana is a member of our family now by way of ancestral connections and our frequent visits to her healing center due to a family crisis. Think you Dana for helping my family and I understand that through chanting and meditation all things are possible." 

Love, The Berry-Bey family - New York, NY

October 25, 2017 

"I have received mini and full Qi healing sessions from Dana and found immediate relief from back, knee pain and eye discomfort. I also attend group chanting sessions and the energetic power has been strong, healing and amazing. No week meeting is the same!"

   Yvonne B. - Reiki Master, founder of Yes 4 Wellness - South Jersey

June 7th, 2017 

"The experience of the Qi healing sessions with Dana is remarkable. After about two months of healing sessions, I have been able to walk again! Over the past three years, I have had degenerative arthritis in the knees, and have had to walk with cane or walker.

I had a cortisone injection into the knee, and I was hoping to avoid surgery, but the effects of injection would fade. I have also taken supplements such glucosamine and msm, and recently silica drops in water, but the real change in my knee, and my ability to walk with lessening pain and inflammation has occurred in the past two months.

A few days ago I walked about a mile and a half, on the boardwalk in Ocean City without difficulty! That is not to say that my legs are 100%, but they are certainly improved. I started one on one Qi sessions with Dana about two months ago, and have seen steady improvement not only in my knees, but with general energy level and with other physical aches and pains. My hair color is changing from grey. I also join in the Tuesday Qi chanting classes, where impact seems magnified. I can only recommend this energetic healing modality."

 UPDATE - Ann Marie of Wellness Workers - Voorhees, NJ

May 21, 2017

"I have been the recipient of Qi energy with Dana and I feel stronger and have more energy. I have had skin problems and joint inflammation which now seem to be lessened. Even my hair is is darker and fuller. Lots of changes over the past two months. I also feel grateful to learn and practice chants that further deepening change." 

Ann Marie - Organizer of Wellness Workers of New Jersey/Reiki

Reiki Master/Holistic Healer/retired Occupational Therapist

March 28, 2017

"I've had several ancestral healing treatments with Dana. They have been powerful, comforting, and insightful. I saw a flash of light and felt angelic visitation during the last treatment. I feel more clear and look forward to future treatments."

K. Thomas - Project Manager

March 11, 2017

"The first time I worked with Dana I wasn't sure what to expect. Our sessions have become a very welcome experience with lots of energy coming and going and Dana's comforting hands and presence. Besides the energy, spirits come and go. Those of my grandparents and other ancestors have shown themselves... " 

Dawn - Housewife

Runnemede, NJ 

Feb. 5, 2017

"I scheduled a treatment w/ Dana & it opened me up & made my overall will stronger! We had a Teacher/Saint in Spirit form visit us during the treatment & it moved us both to tears. Received information from my ancestors on how vehicles (ie merkaba), animals, angels & other "helpers & helping things" can be integrated into my concept of "Totem(s)". I'll definitely schedule more Work w/ Dana. OX"

Sharon - Special Ed. Teacher/Iroqois Mystic,  Haddonfield, NJ

Jan. 28th, 2017

"Great ancestral healing. I received a mini treatment. I left feeling better and I saw an image of my ancestor during the treatment. I look forward to the next discussion and receiving future treatments."

  K. Thomas - Project Manager - Burlington, NJ

Jan. 2017

"Well, I can say that as a person who has had many physical injuries, as well as some emotional or glandular endocrine dysfunction, that you were able to provide reliable temporary relief and after repeated appointments with you I can completely and honestly say I was helped by your energy healing, as well, and in some cases better than some of the high profile healers whom I have tried on the internet, from around the world...." 

  John W. - Contractor, Berlin New Jersey    

"My first meeting with Dana was powerful and empowering. I felt euphoric and invigorated. All the mental burdens I had were lifted immediately. The second meeting there was even more release and I felt like a new-born person. My mind was mentally freer and there was like a 3 day residual effect of feeling happy-go-lucky. It was a refreshing refill of my spiritual and mental capacity. " 

 Larry D. - Business-to-business sales, Raritan, NJ

"I first met Dana in the summer of 2015. I had been struggling with pain in a joint of my foot for 5 months. I had seen two excellent MDs and three energy providers. The MDs couldn’t help me at all. The energy healers all helped but the relief only lasted a week or two. The foot pain was preventing me from ballroom dancing and I was really frustrated. I went to a psychic energy healing fair at the Center Life in Balance in Medford, NJ. I decided to try Dana because I didn’t know what else to do. I figured it couldn’t hurt. After one session I had immediate relief! The pain relief lasted three months. It recently started bothering me a little bit so I asked Dana to do another session and the pain is gone again. I am SO appreciative for Dana’s help.

She is kind, professional and clearly sees this as her life’s calling."

  Dr. E. Hill, MD - Retired physician/southern New Jersey                                                                                                       

" Dana has changed my well being. Mentally and physically I see drastic change. Before I met her my legs were very swollen and hard to the touch due to the medication I was taking. I receive a session once a week and my swelling is dramatically decreased. My legs went down so much in size within a few weeks other people even noticed and remarked on the changes.

I also needed a more positive attitude toward my life after losing my husband to lung cancer. I am so much more back to myself mentally and emotionally. I have referred several people to her and she is also helping them." 

Donna S. - Hair dresser - Mt Laurel, NJ

"I was having vertigo when I saw Dana for a healing. I had temporary relief after the first session and full relief (it did not return!) after the second session!

Dana is a sincere, professional healer and shared her gift with an open heart. I had a total of 3 sessions and felt better after each. My experience was wonderful and my physical healing amazing. Spiritually and emotionally I received healing as well. I'm looking forward to additional sessions with Dana."

Susan Drummond, LMT, RM - The Center Life in Balance

Hello my name is Bill CAESAR                                                                                                                             

" I was using a walker as I had broken three vertebrae from a fall on black ice. Dana kindly offered to stay ... and give me a 'treatment' on my ever hurting back. Her use gentle of touch and non touch was remarkable. I was grateful for the relief I felt after the treatment. The tension released from my muscles helped relieve some pain from my spine for a few days after as well."

 THANK YOU - BILL CAESAR - Black Belt/Martial Artist, Egg Harbor City, NJ 

"While setting up tables and chairs, for an event, my lower back started bother me

bad. I had the good fortune of being introduce to Dana, whom had me relax as she applied a special technique, which I found out later to be QI POWER HEALING, When she was finished not only did my back pain subside, but I had renewed energy. I would recommend this treatment for any one who is in pain or suffering from stress or tension."  

M. Hess, Teacher, South Jersey

"Dana has helped me avoid a shoulder operation. After going to my doctor who said operation was inevitable due to bones spur and a tear in my rotator cuff I went to Dana a few times and never had operation, or pain again. While working on me another time, Dana saw a blackish blue aura inside my eye and continued with treatment. While at my opthamologist for a refraction exam they found I had a cut in the back of my eye. That taught me to trust Dana.

"I recommend her highly!"

Rhoda Gordon, Housewife - Cherry Hill, NJ

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